Healthy Vegan Mama - Helping you eat more plant and keep it simple!

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Do Plant-Based Eaters Need A Multi (When Their Food is Already Healthy)?  

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What I love about Complement:

  • I get all the necessary vitamins in three pills, and that’s it for the day. No more taking multiple medications for multiple nutrients. It’s an all-in-one multi nutrient supplement that contains only the essential nutrition proven to be lacking in most plant-based diets and nothing extra.

  • No vitamin overload. Most supplements overload your system with vitamins and minerals that you may not need, especially as plant-based dieters. What happens with the excess? You pee it down the drain. PLUS, let’s not forget your Omegas aren’t in there. With Complement, you only get the essential eight you may miss, including omegas.

  • One supply lasts me two months. Don’t look at the price and think that is for 30 days; nope, it’s for 60. Well worth the money if you ask me.

    (Don’t forget to grab your discount here: USE CODE: HUNGRYVM - )

  • I sleep like a baby

  • My hair grows thicker and longer

Get this…

As a plant-based eater, you’re already following the healthiest and most responsible diet on earth, enjoying an abundance of nutrients with every meal and supporting foundational long-term health. But, if you rely on whole foods alone, chances are you’re still missing a few essential nutrients — and there’s (almost) nothing you can do about it.

A lack of complete nutrition can, at best, make you function at less than your peak. At worst, it can lead to serious health problems down the line.

Up to 86.5% of adult and elderly vegetarians are at risk for Vitamin B12 deficiency.1 That affects their energy and brain function.

More than 41% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D,2 which is crucial for bone and immune health, as well as many other systems. Several health experts believe that D should also be taken with Vitamin K2, to ensure the safe transport of calcium in the bloodstream*.

Despite having access to iodized salt, mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency is a public health concern in 30+ countries.3 Iodine is key for the metabolism.

Due to plant compounds that reduce absorption, vegetarians may need 50% more zinc than omnivores.4 Low zinc levels can impair immune system function.

Most vegans get their omega-3s from nuts, seeds, and oils. These contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which converts to DHA and EPA in the body, but at a very poor rate. Research shows that only 8% of dietary ALA is made into EPA in healthy young men, and 4% or less converts to DHA.5

So what’s going on here? Why can’t plant-based eating alone cover all bases? Here are 3 good reasons:

Your food is weaker than it used to be.

A United Nations’ study reports that 33% of the world’s soil resources are degraded — largely due to industrial agriculture.6 Poor soil quality negatively impacts the nutrition in our food, as well as its production and sustainability.

You eat the same stuff.

Think about how many of the same foods and meals you eat week after week. A review in Molecular Metabolism revealed that 75% of the world’s food comes from only 12 plants and five animal species.7 That’s not enough variety to ensure optimal nutrition.

Your body can’t absorb some nutrients and can’t access others.

Plant-based sources of vitamin B12 and Vitamin D aren’t as bioavailable as their animal counterparts, and omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA are nearly impossible to obtain in adequate amounts from a standard plant-based diet.

In some cases, eating more of specific foods rich in hard-to-get nutrients might help, since that would add more of those nutrients into your diet. But that's not always practical (you'd have to be munching seaweed all day every day to get enough DHA and EPA omega-3s, for example — and then you'd overdose on sodium and iodine).

You could also add individual supplements to your diet to fill in the gaps, but then you’d have to micromanage each one to make sure you’re getting enough, and in the right amounts. Plus, the cost of those individual bottles would add up quickly.

So how about taking a typical multivitamin?

Well, now you’re overcorrecting the problem, paying for a bunch of nutrients you’re already getting from your plant-based diet. You’ll end up peeing out the excess. Talk about money down the drain… And you’re still not getting those omega-3s.

Try Complement Essential (and Feel the Difference)

Now there’s an all-in-one multinutrient supplement that contains only the essential nutrition proven to be lacking in most plant-based diets, and nothing extra.

Don’t forget to grab your discount here: USE CODE: HUNGRYVM -