High Protein Pasta

Ingredients: Makes 1 Serving

  • 1 serving of bean pasta - I love Brami Bean Pasta, but quinoa, lentil, or chickpea pasta works

  • 1/2 c - 1 c of frozen shelled edamame beans

  • 1 c frozen peppers

  • 1 tsp Tahini

  • 1/8 c Nutritional Yeast

  • 2 capfuls of low-sodium soy sauce, tamari, or coconut aminos

  • 1 tsp - 1 tbsp of sriracha, depending on how spicy/hot you like your food

  • 1 tsp of oil-free hummus for creaminess


  • Boil pasta according to the directions. Also, add the frozen peppers and edamame in there to defrost.

  • While the pasta and veggies are cooking, in a small bowl, combine tahini, nutritional yeast, soy sauce, hummus, and sriracha. Add water until you like the consistency.

  • Once the pasta is cooked and the veggies are soft - strain and place back in the pot.

  • Add your sauce and stir well.


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